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Meet the Villains of My Urban Fantasy Series

I love character development. Creating characters may be my favorite thing about writing. In my urban fantasy series, Silke's Strike Force, there are a wide variety of characters each endowed with superpowers.

You met the heroes in a previous post. Now, meet the villains aptly named The Sin Squad.

The Sin Squad were originally named The Deadly Venoms, but I felt that was too close to The Deadly Vipers in Quentin Tarantino's film Kill Bill. I'm not sure why I decided on naming them after the 7 Deadly Sins instead but they have turned out to be some of my favorite characters to write about. In fact, I've had readers express interest in Sin Squad origin stories. You can read a few in the FREE e-book Klassified available through my newsletter sign up.


Book 1: Karma

Book 2: Kobra

Book 3: Kaged

Book 4: Khaos




"Original Cyn" Cynthia Vespia writes fantasy novels with edge. This blog is dedicated to all things fantasy and my author journey.


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