Meet the Hero from A Time of Dragons
As authors we often write characters that embody characteristics of people we know or of what we aspire to be like. Mine are a mix of many things but most often I write about strong women because those were my influences growing up.
I can still remember being upset in the toy store because I couldn't find an action figure of Scarlett from G.I. Joe. She was a bad-ass who could hang with the boys and I aspired to be like that animated character...I still rock a ponytail to this day! I also still gravitate towards specific archetypes and that influences my writing.
But, I wouldn't keep writing these types of characters unless the readers enjoyed them too. And they have...for the most part. That's because I give all my characters layers. Some get peeled back while others are developed and that is especially true in the case of a series.

For Rayna, my hero in the A Time of Dragons fantasy series, I wanted a take-no-shit type of attitude at the start. When we are first introduced to Rayna in book one she is a bit of a gunslinger. She smokes, puts her feet up on furniture, and doesn't take life too seriously. As the story develops, and I put her into some difficult situations, that's when we see a bit of a shift from Rayna.
We're only in the first book of the series and let me tell you I have some big things planned for Rayna in the sequel and beyond!
She's been fun to write and I think it's because I have finally been able to pay homage to the fictional characters who influenced my life like Valeria from Conan, Taarna from Heavy Metal, Xena: Warrior Princess, and so many more.
I think I'll stick with Rayna for a little while longer and see where her journey takes me...I hope you come along for the ride!
See the video:
"Original Cyn" Cynthia Vespia writes fantasy novels with edge.
This blog is dedicated to all things fantasy, writer wellness, and my author journey.